Having just arrived back from my vacation, I realized that the Sexiest celebrities poll was way past it’s sell by date, and desperately needed wrapping up. So if you’ll give me a quick drum roll, I’m pleased to announce that Japan’s sexiest celebrity is the delightful Norika Fujiwara.

Ms Fujiwara trounced the opposition, garnering an impressive 46% of the votes. Easily beating second placed songster Namie Amuro, who perhaps surprising (or there again perhaps not) only managed a rather paltry 27%. A long way back in third position were the large chested Kanou Sisters (18%). And sadly bringing up the rear with a measly 9% was the ladies choice, cuddly sumo wrestler Miyabiyama.
But Pointless Poll fans fear not. A quick look to your left will reveal an all-new and utterly meaningless survey. This one going by the decidedly unimaginative title of Most Disgusting Dessert. An endeavor that will surely broaden your horizons and stimulate your intellect.
Given the choice of whale, deep sea water, lettuce and potato, or shark fin ramen ice cream, which would you choose as the most disgusting dessert?
Vote away!
Toni says
BOO!!!! HISSS!!! I can’t believe she won. She supposedly resembles one of my boyfriend’s exes. Blecchh….I demand a recount!
JMichael says
Dear Lee,
Though I have enjoyed the A to Z, it is good to have you back. I hope that you enjoyed your vacation. Please include some more info about your daily life in Japan, and some of your favorite haunts. I am a regular reader, and I am working my way through your archive.
Lee says
Toni: Sorry, no recount. The lovely Ms Fujiwara it is!!
Michael: Thank you very much for the warm welcome back. I’ve sort of consciously kept away from doing too many personal posts, but I’ll try and add more of my daily observations.
I also want to take more pictures of everyday places and events, so hopefully I can get some of my favourite places posted on the site.
Thanks again!