In 2003, the government designated Fukuoka Prefecture as a special zone for robot research and development.
Now whatever was envisioned when the decision was made is hard to say, but I’d hazard a guess and say it wasn’t a robot being assigned as head of a police station within two years. But that’s exactly what happened on Wednesday, and in a ceremony at Hakadata Station, police chief Kikuo Mori handed the robot in question (which was already kitted out in a police hat) a letter of assignment.

Admittedly the move was part of a safe driving campaign, but the T63 Artemis was nonetheless made chief for a day. Yet worried citizens can relax, as the 157 cm robot can move independently, plus has fully functioning light and sound sensors. And perhaps crucially in the fight against crime, it has the ability to throw coloured balls at anyone it considers to be acting suspiciously. A feature that will surely deter even the most vicious villain.
Take this young female felon for example. The fear of flying balls means she’s going nowhere.

Except prison of course.
Jason says
Its interesting. It’s easy to think that sci fi culture predicts the future. But really, I think, sci fi culture gives the rest of us something to think aout and thus, were a lot more likely to replicate that.
In japan, the sci fi culture is robots, robots, and more robots….and some more robots. If anybody pioneers robots, its going to be, an is, japan. expect a gundam prototype soon. …….really
Paul says
I love that picture; “You’re fuckin’ nicked, mate”